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SNL’s Obama says ASU > UA!

Arizona State, yes. University of Arizona, I'm sorry...

Saturday Night Live is pretty hit-or-miss these days, but the opening of tonight’s show — which contained not just an ASU shout-out but also a UA snub — is definitely one of SNL’s greatest hits:

I wonder if there are any Sun Devils on the SNL writing staff these days… or maybe they just noticed that the real Obama likes ASU enough to speak at graduation in May.

In any case, EPIC WIN!

3 replies on “SNL’s Obama says ASU > UA!”

ASU is full of douchebags with their yellow shirts and their devil horns.

Since the two previous comments make absolutely no sense, its safe to assume I'm the only Sun Devil who has commented thus far. Gotta love them Devils!! It seems like the rest of our country (and our president) agrees. Maybe next year Tuscon!! Keep trying lil' buddy, maybe one day you'll be 1/8 of as famous as ASU!!